Missing, Lost or Damaged Deliveries

Missing, Lost or Damaged Deliveries

We do our best to care for all deliveries trusted to us, and it doesn’t happen often, but due to the nature of courier networks sometimes parcels can go missing or get damaged along the way.  Should this happen to your delivery, here's what to do: 

Firstly, if a parcel is yet to arrive it may still be on its way.  You can use our online tracking to quickly see where the parcel is in the delivery process.  If it is scanned Onboard it’s likely to be delivered soon, there may have just been an unforeseen delay. 

If delivery hasn’t arrived after a few working days or arrives damaged, you’ll need to lodge a query.  The most convenient way to do this is through our website, as it saves you the hassle of phoning our call centre and can be done anytime.

How to lodge a query

  1. Track your parcel
  2. On the results page, click on the Lodge Customer Services Query for this parcel. 
  3. You will need to provide: 
    • Ticket number for your parcel 
    • Date and time sent 
    • Sender’s and Receiver’s full address and contact details 
    • Details of the contents, packaging and the value of the item 
  4. You can choose your preferred response method - either phone or email. 
  5. When you've completed the form, click Submit Request.
  6. Record the query number given to you (you’ll need this if you're making a claim)
  7. A member of our customer services team will investigate your query and respond as soon as possible. Your query will be managed by the branch that most recently scanned your item. 

How to make a claim for a lost or damaged parcel

If a parcel is missing, misdelivered or lost 

  1. Lodge a query with us within 14 days of despatch so we know the parcel has not been delivered or misdelivered.
  2. We will contact you within 1 hour of your lodged query with a progress report and provide regular updates until the parcel is located. 
  3. In the event that your parcel cannot be located, you will need to make a claim and send us a completed claims form.

If a parcel arrived damaged 

  1. Lodge a query with us within 7 days of delivery so we know the parcel has been damaged. 
  2. We will need to sight the parcel and the packaging it arrived in. We will arrange for the item to be returned to the New Zealand Couriers branch it was sent from. If we are unable to sight the item and the packaging, your claim may be declined. 
  3. If the parcel is salvageable or repairable, they will be returned to you for assessment. 
  4. Once an appropriate course of action has been determined, we will pass this on to our Claims Department to begin the claims process. A claims form will be dispatched to you within 7 working days. Alternatively, you can download a claims form and send it to your nearest branch.

Refer to Making a claim for detailed information on the claims process. 

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